We work with you to help determine how graphics can both help focus your research efforts, and bring clarity to your case’s best themes.

Since we have designed graphics for thousands of cases and worked with top litigators since 1991, we can provide some insights into how visuals that reinforce your case themes can “hook” jurors and help you win your trial. The faster a juror starts to frame the case using your themes, the more likely you are to win. Jurors who adopt your case themes will look for evidence that supports that viewpoint. That’s why developing graphics as you develop your case themes is critical. We can also help litigators test the most persuasive themes in focus groups and mock trials. Your client can also make important contributions in the focusing on themes that help make the case clear and compelling.

We work with you to strengthen your themes through framing your evidence. Our designers can help you present photographs, sketches, 3D scans, or animations that help you convincingly show how the evidence is tied to your case themes in a way a lay juror may understand and remember.  Whether you are litigating your case in San Francisco, Oakland, New York, or beyond, we can enhance your presentations with graphics, interactive legal technology and PowerPoint slides. We are here to help litigators make their case clear and compelling through themes and graphics that support their case story.

What trial visuals will you show
to advance your case story and
to support your themes?